Stay Alert App.

Crime and violence have been a major factor impacting Jamaica, the economy and the lives of the people. Compounding the problem is the sub-culture which discourages public support for the police in providing intelligence to solve crimes.

Against this backdrop an opportunity for a game changer was created – Stay Alert App.

The Stay Alert App was pitched to the Ministry of National Security, Jamaica as a seminal tool to empower the public and build confidence in the responsiveness of the police.

The application has four main menu functions


Each menu function is geared towards empowering the citizens of Jamaica by being; more informed (Alerts), having immediate access to the police (Panic Mode), better understanding of the law, by having the laws broken down into bite-size notes (The law) and being able to provide anonymous intelligence to investigators (Eye report).

The Stay Alert Application is available to Jamaicans on both Android and iOS.